Plan Your Visit

What do you believe?

What time do I need to arrive?

We recommend arriving about 10 minutes early to ensure you get a parking spot and a seat in time.

What do I wear?

While we do not enforce any type of dress code, you will find that most of our members choose to dress above casual. The trend in many churches is to promote a casual environment. We have chosen to recognize that God is present and we want to dress in whatever our best might be. It is not an attempt to “impress” God or anyone else, but rather a sincere desire to honor Him.

Where do I park?


As you pull in, parking attendants will direct you to guest parking. For those who would like to use it, a covered drop-off is available.


What will my children be doing?

A nursery is available for all services.

Children in kindergarten through sixth grade will enjoy our children’s program called Character Connection, where dozens of trained teachers, class helpers, and bus workers have prepared to teach your child godly character from Bible stories.  Children attend classes for each grade and then rotate into assemblies for combined singing, Bible stories, and games.

The FirstClaim youth department is a place for teens from 7th to 12th grades.  Every week they are challenged from the Bible to give God first claim on their lives and to live as salt and light in their schools and in their homes.

When you arrive at Bible Baptist Church, Welcome Center volunteers will be happy to help you locate the appropriate classes and activities for your children. The Welcome Center is located at the north entrance.

What style of music is used in the worship services?

Our music is more traditional than the typical church today. In congregational singing, we primarily use a hymnal with occasional choruses added. The special music from the platform uses a mix of great new music, as well as timeless classics. We don’t use hymns because we are stuck in a rut. We still find them challenging, stirring, and more accurate in their reflection on God’s attributes. Once you sit through a song service, you’ll see why we believe that conservative music is alive and well.

What version of the Bible do you use?

We use the King James Version of the Bible. Because the Bible is such an important part of our services, as well as our primary authority, we have chosen to concentrate on one translation. The King James Bible has been a reliable anchor for English-speaking people for centuries now. Most of today’s translations seem to be more a product of marketing than accuracy. We believe a timeless, proven standard can be preached and explained in a way that everyone can understand.

How long is the service?

Service times vary, although the typical service averages 75-90 minutes. God’s presence is too important to make it a victim of the American rush. We also know that time is limited, so our services are organized to get the most possible out of the allotted time. We promise not to waste time.

What does Bible Baptist Church have for my family?

We try to strike a balance between family time and church activities. That means we strive not to fragment the family too much. Feel free to look through the website to familiarize yourself with the programs for various ages. You will find ministries like Character Connection for Kids, Patch the Pirate Club, PeeWee Club, FirstClaim youth, Heritage Academy, camps, youth conferences, etc. You will find something for everyone without feeling an obligation to give up several nights of the week.

Say Hello!

We at Bible Baptist Church strive to make our guests feel welcome! We would love to hear about your visit or answer any questions you may have.


115 N. Young St. Stillwater, OK 74075



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Bible Baptist Church

115 N. Young St. 74075